Edinburgh Fringe fame for a one woman show is proof of the randomness of celebrity

The Edinburgh Festival is in full swing and the number of performers is almost incredible: the overall total this year is estimated to be around 50,000. A small fraction are already established names; an even smaller fraction may become famous as the festival unfolds. But most will return home just as unknown as when they […]

The big beasts of banking, supermarkets and tech are behind our productivity slump

The mystery of the dramatic slowdown in productivity growth across the West since the late 2000s remains unsolved. It is the key question in political economy. If productivity doesn’t rise, national income per head of population remains flat. As a result, government receipts from taxation remain static.   In the UK, where the limits to taxation […]

Even if the pandemic hadn’t happened, we would have all ended up working remotely

Working from home is a phenomenon we still associate with the pandemic. Some companies are trying to reverse its growth and get more people back into the office, but the debate about productivity has failed, so far, to yield conclusive results. A fascinating and timely Stanford research paper, entitled “The evolution of working from home”, […]

If politicians keep ignoring economists, our strategies will never be cost-effective

Economists have been getting bad press because of the antics of the Bank of England and its Monetary Policy Committee. We are suffering from what we, as economists, describe as a “negative externality”. It might be convenient for you to drive your car, for example, but the emissions which this creates have a negative impact […]

Sunak should be modelling his fiscal rules on Clem Attlee’s, not Margaret Thatcher’s

Normally, reading economic statistics is, for almost everybody, a sure-fire way of curing insomnia. Not anymore. The Office for National Statistics came out with yet another attention-grabber last week. Government debt in the UK, the august body pronounced, is now bigger than GDP for the first time in over 60 years. The statisticians did qualify […]

Our approach to energy prices shows we want climate policies only if they’re free

The energy sector continues to grab the headlines. The government has announced the windfall tax on oil and gas companies will be scrapped if prices fall to more normal levels for a sustained period. Cue predictable outrage from the likes of the Green party, who said the government should be “tightening the tax and ensuring […]

It’s time the Bank of England rethinks monetary policy – and its own methods

The Bank of England’s handling of inflation has been met with increasing levels of criticism.  Despite its suite of academically fashionable mathematical and econometric models, the Bank seems to be acting in a daze, unable to comprehend what is going on. A paper just published in the American Economic Review advocates an alternative way of […]

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