
Below are a selection of articles that I’ve written or that others have written about me…

Interview on Positive Linking, DNA Magazine (India), October 2012
Review of The Signal and the Noise by Nate Silver, Nature Magazine, September 2012
Social Networks can Spread the Olympic Effect, ‘World View’ Nature Magazine, September 2012
Who will rule the 21st Century?, The Spectator, August 2012
The Sunday Review: Positive Linking, Anthony Painter, August 2012
The Santa Fe bar with a useful lesson for London’s Olympic organisers, CITY AM August 2012
A champagne prize for the worst Treasury team in modern British history, CITY AM August 2012
Japan shows we can’t rely on inflation to tame rampant government debt, CITY AM July 2012
Ignore the IMF: Economic forecasts have a history of being unreliable, CITY AM, July 2012
Fragile networks: Why the RBS computer glitch could happen anywhere, CITY AM, July 2012
 Network Effects Bryan Appleyard’s review of Positive Linking published in the Sunday Times, July 2012
 When Copying Others is the Rational Choice Claire Jones’ review of Positive Linking published in the FT, July 2012
Confidence is key to lasting global economic recovery, Guardian journalist Larry Elliot’s response to my latest book ‘Positive Linking’, July 2012
Deficit spending didn’t end the Great Depression and it won’t save us now, CITY AM June 2012,
Shareholder activism proves that regulating pay would be senseless, CITY AM May 2012
The U.S. recovery wasn’t wreaked by massive cuts, CITY AM March 2012
‘Does Money Make us Happier’, The Independent commentator Dominic Lawson responds to the IEA publication ‘…And The Pursuit of Happiness’ and quotes from my chapter ‘The Folly of Wellbeing in Public Policy’, January 2012
A network is as good as a nudge for a Big Society, Financial Times, 15th September 2010. The text is also available here.
‘The Guardian, December 2009’ Here is a short piece in the Guardian newspaper about the political economy of public spending. The Left often imagines that public spending is automatically a Good Thing. This piece gives a different perspective.
‘Patterns of recession and recovery’, Financial Times, May 2009
‘Munros are no longer our bag’, Scotsman, May 2009
‘The economy is a butterfly’, Giornale di Brescia, May 2009
‘Don’t panic!’ New Statesman, May 2009. The UK government has attracted a lot of criticism for its projections on public sector debt. Here I consider the extent to which they are justified. A slightly condensed version of this appeared in the New Statesman of 7 May 2009.
‘How 2009 is going to rebuild us all ‘ Sunday Times, January 2009. 

Here is an interesting piece by Bryan Appleyard, a free thinking journalist, on potentially good consequences of the recession. He quotes my views on soccer – he knows full well my main interest is Rugby League, but we come from the same part of the world, and he is a devoted Manchester City fan. So he definitely needed cheering up!

‘Have economists gone mad?’, Atlantic Monthly, March 2009
‘America did save the world!’, Atlantic Monthly, February 2009
‘The Current Economic Crisis and the inherent difficulties of prediction’, Madrid based newspaper La Vanguardia, February 2009
‘Thoughts on Bill Gates’ idea of ‘creative capitalism’, for an invite-only US blog, appearing in a book later in 2008
‘Booze binges are catching’, Nature, June 2008
‘May 1968: Liberty or Illusion?’, Prospect magazine, 2008
‘Enable the next web creators’, The Australian, 2 April 2008
‘Credit crunch: Risk-taking’, The Sunday Times, 23 March 2008
‘Do not rely on the state to make you happy’, Financial Times, 17 July 2007
‘Various reflections on the state of economics’, Adbusters magazine, 2005-2007
‘Bring statistics to life’, Prospect magazine, April 2005 – January 2007
‘Shun the rational agent to rebuild economics’, Financial Times, 5 November 2006
‘Innovate to Beat the Odds’, Computer Sciences Corporation, September 2006
‘Econophysics: Culture Crash’, Nature, June 2006
‘Ants or idiots?’, Guardian, 25 May 2006
‘Some reflections on the role of the state’, Political Quarterly, 2005
‘Public failure of several massive government schemes in the UK’, Guardian, 2005
‘Arguing the social democrat case for a flat-rate tax system’, Guardian, 2005
‘Why some universities need to be closed ’, Times HE Supplement, 2005
‘How to escape academic life ’, Times HE Supplement, 2004
‘The role of modern maths and the medieval inquisition’, Times HE Supplement, 2004
‘Lies, damned lies and the Office for National Statistics’, Sunday Times, 2 November 2003
‘My views on the Euro’, Guardian, 21st May 2003
‘Playing games with game theory, or hop off you Frogs!’, Prospect magazine, 2003
‘Sense on segregation’, Prospect magazine, January 2002
‘Inequality: The long view’, Prospect magazine, 2000

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